Archive for April, 2009
Rails Migration Data Types – MySql – Postgresql – SQLite
Rails mysql postgresql sqlite :binary blob bytea blob :boolean tinyint(1) boolean boolean :date date date date :datetime datetime timestamp datetime :decimal decimal decimal decimal :float float float float :integer int(11) integer integer :string varchar(255) * varchar(255) :text text text text :time time time datetime :timestamp datetime timestamp datetime
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: migrations, mysql, postgresql, sqlite
SVN Use Cases – Command Line usage – Merge / Branch / Trunk
Create a branch from trunk svn copy svn:// \ svn:// -m “initial branch” Checkout that branch svn co svn:// Add to that branch svn st | grep ^? | grep -v \.log | cut -b7- | xargs svn add Commit changes svn commit . -m “A message about my changes. The bug #123 is now […]
In: Web Development · Tagged with: svn branch, svn merge, svn trunk
Great movie review’s
24-Frames is a great place to get useful info on movies worth seeing. Also talked about is upcoming movies with expected enjoyment and performance. If you want to find a movie to watch this weekend, or a dvd for tonight go check out Tim’s reviews
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: links
Facebook Connect Checklist – What to not overlook
What do you need to consider before adding Facebook Connect to your website? Here I go over some things I encountered.
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: facebook connect, Implement
Unix tar gzip a folder then unzip it (ssh/telnet/terminal)!
tar -cvzf <filename>.tar.gz <folder-name> CREATE A GZIP ARCHIVE tar -xvzf <filename>.tar.gz (which will create a folder named <folder-name> in the current directory) EXTRACT A GZIP ARCHIVE If you need to then send that via scp (secure copy) scp <filename>.tar.gz <username>@<domain>:/<path_to_file>/<filename>.tar.gz SEND A FILE TO REMOTE SERVER or scp images.tar.gz [email protected]:/home/john/images.tar.gz
In: Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: Archive, GZip, SCP, Tar
Run Single / One Functional Ruby on Rails Test
From the root rails directory you can run the following to run ONLY the page_controller functional test ruby -I lib:test test/functional/page_controller_test.rb
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: Functional, one, single, Test
Map and to_proc to easier capitalize array of strings
["auckland", "christchurch", "wellington", "hamilton", "tauranga", "dunedin", "palmerston north", "hastings", "nelson", "napier", "rotorua", "new plymouth", "whangarei", "invercargill", "wanganui", "gisborne"].map(&:capitalize)
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: blocks, Proc, Rails, Ruby, to_proc