Archive for July, 2009
Google’s Index Count
I regularly track what Google thinks of my website and how well I am being ranked. There are a couple methods of tracking this.
In: GIndex, News · Tagged with: google, page rank
Rails Date Formats – strftime
StrFTime Format Codes for Ruby on Rails Year %Y year with century 2007 %y year without century 07 %C century number (year divided by 100) 20 Month %B full month name January %b abbreviated month name Jan %h same as %b Jan %m month as number (01-12) Week […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: Date Format
Firefox 3.5 Install on Ubuntu
Go get Firefox from the official site tar -xjf firefox-3.5.tar.bz2 Rename firefox directory to firefox-3.5 mv firefox firefox-3.5 Move firefox-3.5 to /usr/lib sudo mv firefox-3.5 /usr/lib Now create a shortcut on your panel. The easiest way to make a new launcher, with the Firefox logo, is to copy the old one (or edit it) and […]
In: Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: Firefox
JEdit – with Textmate abilities!
Being on Ubuntu I no longer have access to Textmate But there is a solution
In: Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: Editor, Java, JEdit, Textmate, Ubuntu, Windows
Mac Lowercase Uppercase Folder names
My developer ran into this problem today, he couldn’t have two folders named the same but with different capitalisation. I run Ubuntu so it works fine for me. The reason this came up is we were trying to run someone’s website which had two folders, named the same but with different capitalisation (e.g “ATS” and […]
In: Web Development · Tagged with: Mac OSX