Archive for September, 2009
Project Offset’s Meteor – Using Larrabee
Project Offset was aquired by Intel and it has been speculated that the latest video from them is based off Larrabee! More from Project Offset after the break
In: Gaming · Tagged with: game graphics, larrabee
Larrabee Demo
Here is an extended view of Intel’s Larrabee demo of it’s ray traced version of Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars. This is my first sight of the new graphics architecture from Intel. They have been working on this for a few years now and apparently this demo has been shown before at last years IDF Larrabe […]
In: Gaming · Tagged with: game graphics, larrabee
DirectX 11 – DX11 – Nvidia and ATI
Here is a collection of media from the internet that gives an idea to the upcoming generation of computer graphics.
In: Gaming · Tagged with: directx 11, game graphics
PG_Dump PG_Restore
Dump a remote postgres database and restore it into a local postgres database. This method dumps first into a local file, then restores into the database. The reason for doing it this way over piping the data straight into the database locally is that if there is an error in the import you don’t have […]
In: Server Config, Web Development · Tagged with: database, pg_dump, pg_restore, postgresql, psql, remote server
Attachment_fu file upload from local files
If you need to batch import files into attachment_fu from a local source then you can doing the following l = =>“/home/jordan/Documents/test_project/1.jpg”, “image/jpeg”)) You can encapsulate that in a loop and iterate over a list of files if need be (would be assumed for batch import eh.) Enjoy!
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: attachment_fu, batch import, file upload
glTail – Visual Log Analyzer
glTail is another visual log viewer. It can in real time (like logstalgia) show you traffic to your site. glTail does a lot more analytical work before showing you the motion. glTail will show you and track things like Requests per minute from ips HTTP response codes per minute (how many 404’s) How many hits […]
In: Web Development · Tagged with: apache, log file, Rails
Rails Filters Order
Rails has some nice filters for DRYing up repeated actions like creating a activation_code on signup, or an unsubscribe_code, reset code. before_validation_on_update before_validation_on_create validate validate_on_update validate_on_create after_validation after_validation_on_update after_validation_on_create before_save before_update before_create after_update after_create after_save There are many different times when you will want to use these and knowing the order will help a lot […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: DRY, filters, Rails
Logstalgia from Remote server
Remote graphical apache log monitoring via Logstalgia is a simple little graphical way to watch traffic on your website. Install via sudo apt-get install logstalgia Run via ssh [email protected] “tail -f /var/logs/apache/access_log” | logstalgia –
In: Ubuntu Tricks, Web Development · Tagged with: analysis, log file, logstalgia