Archive for April, 2010
What is inside a Google Data Center?
Here is a video Google published which details how they setup their data centres. It contains interesting information about the ideas the are using in managing cooling and efficiency. video below
In: Server Config · Tagged with: data center, Goolge
Future of Information Technology
Raymond Kurzweil gives a speech about the future of information technology. Predicts Strong AI, our brains online all the time and nanobot blood cells that perform 100 x better than our own blood cells. One prediction that stands out for me is that we will have the hardware power to exceed the brain’s computation ability […]
In: Artifical Intelligence · Tagged with: Hard AI, Raymond Kurzweil
SEO for Large Dynamic sites – II
In my last post SEO for Large Dynamic sites I discussed the first things to do when trying to get your SEO flowing. Why did my traffic go up? – Keywords The method Google uses (from what I have seen in my experience) to penalize you for a bad quality website is to reduce the number of pages it stores […]
In: SEO, Web Development · Tagged with: 404's, crawl rate, featured, page index count, SEO
Organic Robotic Motion created thru Evolution
This is very organic. I am really impressed, not what I was expecting to see.
In: Artifical Intelligence · Tagged with: evolution, robot
Jesse Schell on the future of gaming
This is some interesting ideas. It a different perspective on the generally accepted privacy is good, publicity is bad.
In: Gaming · Tagged with: DICE 2010
Git /usr/local/lib/liblber & /usr/local/lib/libldap_r no version information available error
I just updated my system today and rebooted (I like to reboot once a couple weeks…) and git started freeking out on me. I tried to git add ap [tab tab] but “git: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/” would pop up before the auto-complete and mess everything up. I could continue without […]
In: Server Config, Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: git