Archive for May, 2010
VirtualBox shared folder guest access command
Enable shared folders Add shared folder via “Devices” > “Shared Folder…” Windows from net use x: \\vboxsvr\sharename Linux from mount -t vboxsf [-o OPTIONS] sharename mountpoint Sharename is for example (by default) if you shared your Hosts Desktop, it would be Desktop. Easy.
In: Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: shared folder, VirtualBox
what changes did I just pull from git?
Ever wanted to see what changes you just pulled from github? This little command will show you the changes for the last commit, if the pull resulted in more commits being pulled then add a couple more ‘^’s to HEAD^ git diff HEAD^ HEAD
In: Ruby on Rails · Tagged with: git
Git cherry-pick
cherry-pick is a useful Git command, especially if you are working in an Agile team. We used it for the first time today on our project. Team member A lets call him “James” made a feature and put it onto master. Team member B lets call him “Jordan” later refactered some code from “James”‘s feature. […]
In: Ruby on Rails · Tagged with: git
uninitialized constant Encoding
Problem with Rails sqlite3? uninitialized constant Encoding Couldn’t create database for {“timeout”=>5000, “adapter”=>”sqlite3”, “database”=>”db/test.sqlite3”, “pool”=>5} If you installed the gem ‘sqlite3’ then sudo gem uninstall sqlite3 sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby Fixed!
In: Ruby on Rails · Tagged with: Rails, sqlite3, sqlite3-ruby