Archive for the ‘Artifical Intelligence’ Category
Future of Information Technology
Raymond Kurzweil gives a speech about the future of information technology. Predicts Strong AI, our brains online all the time and nanobot blood cells that perform 100 x better than our own blood cells. One prediction that stands out for me is that we will have the hardware power to exceed the brain’s computation ability […]
In: Artifical Intelligence · Tagged with: Hard AI, Raymond Kurzweil
Organic Robotic Motion created thru Evolution
This is very organic. I am really impressed, not what I was expecting to see.
In: Artifical Intelligence · Tagged with: evolution, robot
Cuda AI controlling 4000 Planes simultaneously
Here is a quick video showing how CUDA on NVidia graphics cards can run AI (Artificial Intelligence), very impressive.
In: Artifical Intelligence, Gaming, Video · Tagged with: AI, CUDA
Stanford Uni Helicopter using Neural Network
This is amazing stuff. If you think that a computer controlling a helicopter like this is same old, you are wrong. It was only a year ago that a computer would struggle to even keep a helicopter stable in the air and flying. Well done guys!
In: Artifical Intelligence · Tagged with: Helicopter, Neural Network, Stanford Uni, You Tube
Draft 1
In: Artifical Intelligence · Tagged with: Flash, Game, Project1
Project 1 – NNP – Neural Network Pong
1. Create Flash based Pong game.
2. Implement a MLP in AS3.
3 Integrate the MLP into the Pong game and have it learn from the player.
4 Graphically display the dynamic NN.
In: Artifical Intelligence · Tagged with: AI, Game, Neural Network, Pong