Archive for the ‘Ubuntu Tricks’ Category
MySQL Admin via SSH Tunnel
Lets create a ssh tunnel into our remote server so that we can connect MySQL Administrator. This will trick MySQL Administrator into thinking that it has a local connection to the remote machine when it doesn’t. This is great for getting around having only local MySQL access rights while trying to login from a remote […]
In: Server Config, Ubuntu Tricks, Web Development · Tagged with: MySQL Administrator, ssh
Can’t Access Github behind proxy or Firewall
Use corkscrew to get through the firewall. You will have to install it from source. website: Now edit your ~/.ssh/config file, create it if you haven’t got one. > cat ~/.ssh/config Host gitproxy User git Hostname Port 443 ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/corkscrew 3128 %h %p IdentityFile /home/jordan/.ssh/id_rsa Now use this proxy when cloning git
In: Server Config, Ubuntu Tricks, Web Development · Tagged with: corkscrew, git,, http proxy, ssh
Open remote application window over ssh – X11
You left the office but forgot to leave an application running. An application that requires it’s GUI, you try to open it via ssh but “Error: Can’t open display” prevents you. Simple fix here, you will kick yourself. DISPLAY=:0 <command> for me this translated into DISPLAY=:0 transmission What this does is instruct the application to […]
In: Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: remote, ssh, sshd, x11
Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala Fonts are wrong size
I have had a strange issue where my fresh install of Karmic Koala Ubuntu 9.10 render the fonts wrong. My friend had also just done a fresh install and had no issues. I tried messing with my DPI setting in the display options but to no luck. I just tried installing the Microsoft Fonts and […]
In: Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: fonts, Karmic Koala, Ubuntu 9.10
Failed to parse existing X config file ‘/etc/X11/xorg.conf’
If you are trying to save your xorg.conf file after changing settings in the nvidia-settings app you may need to first replace it with sudo nvidia-xconfig This will back it up and then recreate it. Seems a fresh install of Karmic Koala 9.10 doesn’t create a valid xorg.conf or it can’t parse it. Whatever the […]
In: Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: xorg.conf
Logstalgia from Remote server
Remote graphical apache log monitoring via Logstalgia is a simple little graphical way to watch traffic on your website. Install via sudo apt-get install logstalgia Run via ssh [email protected] “tail -f /var/logs/apache/access_log” | logstalgia –
In: Ubuntu Tricks, Web Development · Tagged with: analysis, log file, logstalgia
Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04 Webcam – Logitech for the win – S 5500
Wanting a webcam for my machine to use on skype (Yes, skpye does work on Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit) I wasn’t sure which to buy. So I didn’t get any, and just got a mic. Well later one of the office junkys said he had a spare and gave it to me. A Logitech S […]
In: Ubuntu Tricks, Web Development · Tagged with: logitech, Ubuntu 9.04, webcam
Ubuntu for the Win again – Meld Git Diff GUI
If you want to look at git diff ‘s through a gui on a linux machine then Meld fits the requirements nicely. I have only just found out about it but from first impressions it is rather good. Ubuntu 9.04 can just sudo apt-get install meld Will keep you posted.
In: Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: git, Meld