Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Rails Route to Static File in Public
I am using open-flash-chart’s and want to use a route for the swf file rather than a direct url/path written into my views. The reason for this is that in deployment the app is not at the root directory but at , which makes the public folder If you directly link to /open-flash-chart.swf, […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: open-flash-charts, rails routes, routes
Keep Track of Cache and Invalidate
I am yet to try this but it is a suggestion open to criticism. When caching it can be hard to keep track of where a model has caches and what the cache keys are labeled as. There are some tricks which allow the definition of the cache key invalidate the cache. For example if […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: cache, Memcached
Jordan Carter
I have just setup an online portfolio and personal blog over at Jordan Carter which is an attempt to take control of the google keywords Jordan Carter so that I can be found online. As this blog wetware is more technical, I will give personal opinions over at the new one. Hopefully my keyword domination […]
The Internet, The toast machine I can’t open up
Do you remember those days as a child, struggling to unscrewed the last screw holding some curious machine, breaking it apart just to get at what makes it tick? Slowly going through all the bits inside and trying to figure what it does and how it does it. Well I don’t, I wasn’t much for […]
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: open source
Rails Premcache with Memcached
Great write up about how to use memcached to speed up additional requests. One thing I can’t seem to find is a good write up on some basic fragment caching with memcache. Will write my own in a few days.
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: Memcached
Rails Polymorphic Associations
What are polymorphic associations and how do they work?
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: Polymorphic Associations, Rails
Rails Migration Data Types – MySql – Postgresql – SQLite
Rails mysql postgresql sqlite :binary blob bytea blob :boolean tinyint(1) boolean boolean :date date date date :datetime datetime timestamp datetime :decimal decimal decimal decimal :float float float float :integer int(11) integer integer :string varchar(255) * varchar(255) :text text text text :time time time datetime :timestamp datetime timestamp datetime
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: migrations, mysql, postgresql, sqlite
Great movie review’s
24-Frames is a great place to get useful info on movies worth seeing. Also talked about is upcoming movies with expected enjoyment and performance. If you want to find a movie to watch this weekend, or a dvd for tonight go check out Tim’s reviews
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: links