How To – Persist Rails or IRB Console Command History After Exit
Sick of not having Ubuntu rails or irb terminal not saving your command history after exiting the console? Try this little trick to fix it up!
Append into your ~/.irbrc the following Read the rest of this post »
In: How To, Ruby on Rails, Ubuntu Tricks · Tagged with: console, irb, ruby on rails, Ubuntu
How To – Installing Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 Server
Install required packages
The required packages for installing Ruby Enterprise, and Git thrown in for good measure.
Install Ruby Enterprise
Download ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.02.tar.gz & Install
tar xzvf ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.02.tar.gz
sudo ./ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.02/installer
May take a long time to get past the “Generating RI…” bit
Also, ignore the “The following gems could not be installed”
Should get the following screen after a lot of waiting..
Install ‘Target directory’ as default (press enter) Read the rest of this post »
In: How To · Tagged with: apache, capistrano, git, paperclip, phusion passenger, ruby enterprise, Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04
Jesse Schell – Future of Games – DICE 2010: “Design Outside the Box” Presentation
In: Gaming, Video · Tagged with: DICE 2010, gaming, jesse schell
Google Analytics – An Error Has Been Detected – updated 28/08/10
Please try again. Thank you for your patience.
Head over to this post
And put your email address into this form
Apparently they will fix it later.
I am waiting, hope I get my life back soon.
Update 25/08/2010
From the number of people having read this post I can assume this isn’t a small issue. @googleanalytics has this to say
There is an issue that’s currently preventing a subset of users from logging in. We are aware, and are working on the fix. #googleanalytics
In: News · Tagged with: google analytics
Brain Simulation on Super Computer – Henry Markram – 2009 Global Ted
In: Artifical Intelligence · Tagged with: brain, supercomputer, ted
Google Top Search Queries with Rank in Web Master Tools
Google has been working hard on it’s Web Master Tools suite available to web site owners. It provides excellent tools for managing and optimizing you website. I covered some of it’s benefits in my other posts SEO for large Dynamic sites & SEO for Large Dynamic sites – II.
A new feature they have released (upgraded) is showing watch searches / keywords are getting the attention of your website. This is great to see what people are searching for and what they are seeing of your website.
Redis will not time out. Try installing the SystemTimer gem.
WARNING: Could not find a good alternative for performing time outs — connecting to Redis will not time out. Try installing the SystemTimer gem.rake aborted!undefined method `get’ for nil:NilClass
If that doesn’t work and you follow the resque configuration guide from which uses config/initializers/resque.rb make sure you have upgraded all your gems (make sure you update rubygems itself) and if you are running Ubuntu/Debian I suggest you install redis from source and configure monit to start and monitor it.
In: Ruby on Rails, Server Config · Tagged with: redis, resque, system_timer
ERROR: new encoding (UTF8) is incompatible with the encoding of the template database (SQL_ASCII)
createdb: database creation failed: ERROR: new encoding (UTF8) is incompatible with the encoding of the template database (SQL_ASCII)HINT: Use the same encoding as in the template database, or use template0 as template.
In: Server Config · Tagged with: postgresql, utf8