iPhone Objective C UIView from Nib (xib) in UIScrollView in UITabBarController
So, thats a huge assed title. Hopefully it got you here from Google tho, as intended. If you are here, you have probably scoured the internet for an answer to the above title. I have a UIView that I want in a UIScrollView, that is in a UITabbedView Controller AND I want to load the […]
In: Iphone · Tagged with: iPhone, Objective C, UIScrollView, UITabBarController, UIView
Iphone UIWebView HTTP Basic Authentication
So I need to send a user to a page that requires a login. I want to save those details in the app and send them with the initial request. But HOW? #import "NSData+Additions.h" @implementation Utility + (void) addAuthToWebRequest:(NSMutableURLRequest*)requestObj email:(NSString*)email password:(NSString*)password{ NSString *authString = [[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@:%@", email, password] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] base64Encoding]; authString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Basic […]
In: Iphone · Tagged with: iPhone, Objective C, Objective Resource
Objective Resource to the rescue
So I’m working on a top secret military iPhone app to be deployed in a top secret location… Anyway, it needs to interact with a rails app. Googled around, found objective resource which is a great objc port of Active Resource. Now, I needed to man handle it a bit for what I want it […]
In: Iphone · Tagged with: Active Resouce, iPhone, Objective C, Objective Resource, Rails