Mac Lowercase Uppercase Folder names
My developer ran into this problem today, he couldn’t have two folders named the same but with different capitalisation. I run Ubuntu so it works fine for me. The reason this came up is we were trying to run someone’s website which had two folders, named the same but with different capitalisation (e.g “ATS” and […]
In: Web Development · Tagged with: Mac OSX
Make your terminal prompt look pretty, or recover it if its blank..
PS1=”\[\$(date +%H:%M) \033[1;30m\][\[\033[1;34m\]\u\[\033[1;30m\]@\[\033[0;35m\]\h\[\033[1;30m\]] \[\033[0;37m\]\W \[\033[0m\] “ Put that into your terminal and smoke it. I have modified it from here.
In: Web Development · Tagged with: Mac OSX
Alias commands in Mac OSX Terminal
To add an alias (shortcut) to a command in Terminal do the following alias myServer=’echo ssh;ssh’ Notice that I echo the command before executing it, this is to reduce confusion when you call an alias which does something you forgot it did.. [Update] Well that worked, but not for long. If you exit […]
In: Web Development · Tagged with: Mac OSX