Serendipity – WordPress with Postgres
I wanted to use postgres with my wordpress installs but as it turns out this isn’t supported and the WordPress guys even refuse to use it. Sounds a little simple minded to me.
In: News · Tagged with: mysql, postgres, serendiptiy, wordpress
Postgres vs MySQL
or I have used both MySQL and Postgres and if I was starting a project right now I would probably use Postgres. I have read the wikivs MySQL vs Postgres and there is a lot in there that I understand and a lot that I don’t. What I like about Postgres is that it uses […]
In: Server Config · Tagged with: mysql, postgresql
Rails Migration Data Types – MySql – Postgresql – SQLite
Rails mysql postgresql sqlite :binary blob bytea blob :boolean tinyint(1) boolean boolean :date date date date :datetime datetime timestamp datetime :decimal decimal decimal decimal :float float float float :integer int(11) integer integer :string varchar(255) * varchar(255) :text text text text :time time time datetime :timestamp datetime timestamp datetime
In: Uncategorized · Tagged with: migrations, mysql, postgresql, sqlite